Spider Control

Bugstoppers has solutions when it comes to spider control. Spiders can access houses through ill-fitting screens, cracks, and gaps around windows and entrances. Boxes or things from outside are sometimes brought in. They reside inside for the sake of refuge, food, and water. Bugstoppers inspect your home entirely as expert pest controllers. Examine all possible habitats, such as window corners, cornices and skirting, behind draperies, and in-ceiling cavities. In addition to gutter lines, outdoor furnishings, and yard spaces, we can advise on possible entrance sites. If spiders are discovered, we will inform you of your choices. In some cases, there may be superior alternatives to using pesticides. For example, spraying spider webs and using a chemical treatment to keep moving spiders at bay.

Redback spider

The Redback spider are poisonous. The female can be identified by her ebony body and noticeable red stripe. Females measure about 10 millimetres in length. The female spider resides in an untidy web in warm, protected areas and preys on insects it entraps, but it can go for more than 100 days without eating. The adult Redback is 3 to 4 millimetres long and non-venomous. It is light brown, with white lines on the upper abdomen and a pale hourglass sign on the bottom. Redback spiders are grey with black markings when young, getting deeper with each moult.
This spider is found all over Australia and is the female to avoid; the much smaller male does not bite. The female is small, black and characterised by a red stripe on top of its abdomen. Redbacks build their webs in dry, protected spots such as garden sheds, logs, rubbish, and toilets. The bite is immediately painful but slow-acting, and since the introduction of antivenin, it has not caused any fatalities. Apply ice packs and seek first aid. Redbacks rarely leave their web – avoiding the web is the best way to avoid bites.

Domestic Black House Spider

The Black House spider is widespread throughout much of Australia. This spider is dark brown to black, with a female reaching a length of 16 mm and a limb spread of 26 mm. Males are shorter, measuring 8-10 millimetres in length. They are dark brown to black, with a smoky grey belly. Blackhouse spider webs are disorganised, with uneven sail-like patterns. They are frequently located inside corners, openings, and entrances, as well as other light sources that may draw prey to insects. They are poisonous but do not pose a threat.
Also known as the window spider, this web-spinning spider hides in dark corners of windows and wall crevices, on logs, on tree trunks and under the bark. They are dark brown to black with body markings. They can give a painful bite, though they are not aggressive.

Huntsman Spider

The Huntsman Spider are big and swift. They only exhibit aggression when pushed. They can be found in residences, offices, and automobiles. Because of their size and look, Huntsmans are also known as gigantic crab spiders. They can survive up to two years and shed their epidermis to develop.
The exception to the rule. These giant, flat brown spiders look fearsome with hairy, long legs but prey on the much more dangerous white-tailed spiders, cockroaches, and other insects. Huntsman can be found under bark during daylight hours and in cars. Bites are not severe, though they may cause localised pain and swelling. You can apply a cold pack.

Daddy Long Legs

Daddy-long-legs spiders can be found all over Australia and are distinguished by their long, skinny legs and tiny torso. These spiders can be found in most cities, particularly in homes. They form a thin, tangled web in protected areas where they are unlikely to be disturbed, such as under furniture, behind doorways, ceiling corners, outbuildings, garages, and under porches. Its effective use of these manufactured structures has made it one of Australia’s most prevalent spiders.

White tail Spiders

White-tail spiders are found in 60 different types across Australia. A white-tailed spider can be found indoors at night. Fallow deer do not weave webs. Rather than construct webs, they consume other spiders, such as daddy-long-legs, curtain-web spiders, black house spiders, and redback spiders.
A ground-dwelling hunter, this reddish-grey spider eats other primary spiders. Mainly occurring in southeast Australia, it is often found inside homes, in bathrooms, cracks and crevices and cupboards. Outdoors, its favoured hiding spots include under bark, leaf litter, and logs. Could you check bedding, clothes, and shoes? Some unverified reports suggest the bite can lead to ulcers and tissue necrosis – seek medical attention.

A spider that spins orbs

An arachnid with a leaf-shaped design on its abdomen that ranges from dark brown to grey. They weave suspended, sticky, wheeled-shaped orb webs between trees and bushes where insects may soar. All orb-weaving spiders make suspended, sticky, wheel-shaped orb webs. Webs are placed in openings between trees and shrubs where insects are likely to fly.

Feeding and diet

Golden orb-weaving spiders’ prey items include flies, beetles, locusts, wood moths and cicadas. Sometimes, their strong webs manage to trap small birds or bats, and the spider will wrap them and feed upon them.

Danger to humans

Orb weavers are reluctant to bite. Symptoms are usually negligible or mild local pain, numbness and swelling. Occasionally, nausea and dizziness can occur after a bite.